Smart ideas to grow your business with Business Cards

06 May 2023 09:21 PM Comment(s)

Is your business network working for you?

Are you happy with the state of your business network? If you're not sure or if you believe it could be working better for you, keep reading. In this article, we'll look at what a business network is, what it's used for, and how you can make it work as efficiently as possible for you and your business. 

A business network is a group of people and organisations with whom you share a common business interest. The purpose of a business network is to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities, as well as to build relationships that benefit members. Being present, active, and engaged will help you get the most out of your business network. Attend events, take part in discussions, make an effort to meet new people, and follow up afterwards. By doing so, you'll create valuable connections that can help you achieve your business goals.

In light of the above, it is useful to reflect on the past and ask yourself the next 7 questions.

  1. How many business cards have you collected over the years? 
  2. Have you kept them all in a box, or have you thrown most of them away? 
  3. Why do you keep them, or why do you not keep them? 
  4. How often do you actually use them? 
  5. What is the value of a business card, really? 
  6. How can you make your business network work for you? 
  7. What are the benefits of having a strong business network? 

Business cards are a ubiquitous part of professional life, but do you keep them or not? 

It ultimately depends on the quality of the connection you made with the person. If it was a meaningful conversation and there is potential for future collaboration, then it's worth keeping. However, if it was just a brief exchange with no real value, then it's okay to discard it. In terms of usage, business cards should be used strategically and not just handed out indiscriminately. 

The value of a business card lies in its ability to serve as a tangible reminder of your conversation and provide contact information. To make your business network work for you, focus on building genuine relationships rather than just collecting contacts. A strong business network can lead to new opportunities, access to resources, and knowledge sharing. By nurturing these connections through regular communication and collaboration, you can leverage your network for professional growth and success.


1. How many business cards have you collected over the years?  

If you've been in business for any length of time, you've probably collected a fair number of business cards. You've probably used a few of them to jot down phone numbers or email addresses. 

But how many of those cards did you keep? How many of them are gathering dust in a drawer somewhere? 

If you're like most people, you probably have a stack of business cards that you've collected over the years. While it's easy to toss them aside and forget about them, those cards could actually be valuable resources. We certainly don't use them to network or build relationships. What's the point of gathering business cards if we're not going to use them? There are several reasons why you should.

First and foremost, you never know when you might need to contact someone. If you've ever misplaced a phone or had to change your email address, you know how difficult it can be to find someone's contact information. In those situations, having a business card can be invaluable. A preferred way for people who prefer not to keep the paper copy is to digitise them with a scanner app, which allows the user to store and organise contacts in one place. I would suggest using an app with OCR and cloud storage capabilities to ensure that this information is always accessible.


Second, using business cards can help you keep track of the people you meet. If you're meeting a lot of people in a short period of time, make a few notes on the back of their business cards. That way, when you go through your card collection later, you can quickly refresh your memory about who someone is and what you discussed.

Another option is to use the information on those cards to expand your network. Reach out to people whose cards you've collected and see if there are any opportunities for collaboration or partnership. You never know where these connections might lead! 

And finally, business cards can be a great conversation starter. If you're ever feeling awkward at a networking event or business function, you can always pull out a few cards and start asking people about themselves. The last option is a great and creative way to see what people like without asking personal questions. 

So don't throw away those business cards just yet! Even if you don't think you'll ever use them, it's worth hanging on to them for a rainy day. 

If you are fearful or a first-time networker, simply approach someone, introduce yourself, and ask about their line of work or interests. Let them do the talking to take the pressure off you. This not only demonstrates your interest in them as a person, but it also provides you with an opportunity to learn something new and potentially make a valuable connection.

And don't worry if you don't think you'll ever use those cards; you never know when a chance encounter could lead to a job offer or collaboration opportunity. I had a chance encounter like that less than 24 hours ago. 

So next time you attend a networking event, don't forget to bring your cards and be ready to start some conversations! 

2. Do you keep them all in a box somewhere, or have you thrown most of them away?

Most people collect a lot of business cards, which eventually, find their way into a box. If you're like most people, you probably have a box full of business cards that you've collected over the years. 

How are you using them, though? Are you using them to help your business grow? To make sure your business cards are working for you, you can do the following things:

  1. Maintain organisation: Your business cards are probably not organised if you keep them in a box. Finding the right card at the right time may become challenging. Use business card holders to stay organised.
  2. Keep track of your contacts: A straightforward spreadsheet or contact management software can be used to keep track of your contacts, and add additional details of importance or prospective growth opportunities. Having your contacts list electronically can help you stay in touch and build the right relationships. This is a good method to help you get the most from your collection of business cards.
  3. Finally, apply them to expand your business: Expanding your business with the use of business cards can happen in two ways: by exchanging business cards with prospective clients and customers, making connections at gatherings and trade shows, or connecting your clientele with possible collaboration partners. The second option can be a very powerful way of paying it forward and buying goodwill. It not only allows you to negotiate referral deals but also to expand your and your clientele's networks, as they are likely to return the favour.

You'll get the most out of your business cards if you use them to grow your business. If you're not making full use of your business cards, you're passing up a valuable tool for expanding your business. You can ensure that your business cards are working for you by staying organised, keeping track of your contacts, and using them to grow your business.

3. Why do you keep them, or why do you not keep them?

Choosing which connections to keep and which to cut off is one of the most essential elements of business networking. It can be challenging to choose who to keep in your network, but it's crucial to do so strategically. You may decide to keep someone in your network for the following three main reasons: 

  1. They are an invaluable asset. The most obvious justification for keeping someone in your network is probably this one. If they are a useful resource, they may be able to give you access to knowledge, contacts, or opportunities that you otherwise wouldn't have. 
  2. They are a reliable contact. Someone with influence and connections is a high-quality contact. These are the people who, because they know everyone, can really aid in your advancement. 
  3. They are a good person. Sometimes you just click with someone, and they become a good friend. These are the people with whom you enjoy spending time and who make you feel good. While they may not be as influential or well-connected as others in your network, they are still worth keeping. 

I'm sure you've heard the saying before that there are always three sides to a story: one side, the other side, and the truth. This is also relevant when deciding why you may need to choose not to keep someone in your network. Here are a few broad reasons you may choose to remove someone from your network:

  1. They are a negative person. We all know that person who is always negative. They sap your energy and bring you down. You don't need that in your life, let alone in your network. I can guarantee that it will also impact the growth of your network as a result, because people will leave your network without letting you know why.
  2. They are not helpful. Someone isn't worth your time if they are unwilling to assist you. In life, it's important to surround yourself with people who are supportive and willing to help you grow. Not only will this improve your own life, but it will also positively impact the growth of your network. When people see that you are intentional about the company you keep, they will be more likely to want to be a part of your network. It's important to remember that relationships are a two-way street, and if someone is unwilling to assist you, then they may not be worth your time. By focusing on building relationships with those who share similar values and goals, you can create a strong and supportive network that will help you achieve success in all areas of your life. 
  3. You have little to nothing in common. There are times when you meet someone and realise you have very little in common, which can lead to the wasteful and artificial investment of energy into a bond that may not warrant it. There's no point in keeping them in your network.

Based on the above, I'm sure you find it easier to streamline your network and resulting business growth by ditching the ones who are negative, unhelpful, or don't have anything in common with you and keeping the ones who are valuable, high-quality contacts, or good people.

4. How often do you actually use them?

To get the most out of your business network, use it on a regular basis. This includes staying in touch with your contacts, staying current on industry news and developments, and actively seeking opportunities to collaborate. 

You won't get very far if you only interact with your business network when you need something. It may also feel very transactional and impact your mental health. People can tell when you're only interested in them for what they can do for you, and they won't want to help you if they don't believe you care about them as individuals. 

So make sure you're staying active in your network, and you'll reap the benefits in time to come. It may require some effort, but it will be worthwhile in the long run.

A few tips that are specific to exclusively online businesses are:

  1. Join and regularly comment in groups. This will make you visible to your audience or in your industry and put you at the forefront of people's minds when they are faced with certain needs or challenges.
  2. Create consistent and high-quality content that provides value to your target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, social media updates, and more. This will add to your brand and build the perception of being professional.
  3. It's also important to engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages promptly and helpfully. This includes negative reviews or complaints. Many strong relationships are forged through something that went wrong initially.
  4. Another key factor is building strong relationships with influencers and other businesses in your industry. This can help you reach new audiences and gain insights into industry trends and best practices. 
  5. Finally, it's essential to continually analyse your metrics and adjust your strategy as needed based on what's working well and what isn't. By following these tips, online businesses can build a strong foundation for success over the long term. 

5. What is the value of a business card, really?

When you first enter the business world, one of the first things you're likely to hear is that networking is essential. While it is true that making connections can be extremely beneficial to your career, you may be wondering what the true value of a business card is. 

A business card, for starters, is a physical representation of your professional brand. It's a way to leave a lasting impression on someone you've just met, and it serves as a reminder that you exist beyond the scope of a single interaction. 

A business card is also a good way to make it easy for someone to contact you. All too often, we meet someone new and then forget their name or how to contact them. A business card solves this problem by providing the other person with all of the information they need to contact you after the fact. 

Finally, having a business card is a sign of respect. When you exchange business cards, you're effectively saying that you value the other person's time and attention. It's a way of demonstrating that you're invested in the relationship and value the connection you've formed. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to forget the importance of face-to-face interactions and personal connections. That's why having a business card is more important than ever. Not only does it provide a tangible reminder of your meeting, but it also serves as a professional representation of yourself and your brand. 

When you exchange business cards with someone, you're creating an opportunity for future communication and collaboration. It's a way to stay connected and build lasting relationships that can benefit both parties in the long run. 

So next time you attend a networking event or meet someone new in your industry, make sure to have your business card ready. It's a small gesture that can make a big impact. 

6. How can you make your business network work for you?

Your business network can be a valuable and powerful tool to help you grow and succeed. Here are six pointers to make the most of it:

  1. Maintain an active and engaged network. The most successful business networks are those that provide a reason for their members to attend. Maintain regular contact with your contacts, whether by meeting in person, attending events, or connecting online. 
  2. Serve as a resource for your contacts. If you want people to value your network, make sure you're giving them something in return. Be a valuable source of information, advice, and introductions. 
  3. Be willing to share your time and knowledge. It is easier to build strong relationships with people in your network when you are generous with your time and knowledge. They'll be more inclined to assist you in return. 
  4. Be willing to try new things. Your network can lead to new opportunities, so keep an open mind. Consider it if someone asks you to do something out of your comfort zone; you never know where it might lead.
  5. Spread the word. Remember all the help and advice you've gotten over the years from your network? Help others in your network whenever you can to pay it forward.
  6. Have reasonable expectations. Don't expect your network to be a magic cure that solves all of your problems. Be patient, as it takes time to build trust and relationships.

By following these tips, you can make sure your business network is working for you. This will not only strengthen your relationships but also create a positive reputation for yourself. However, it's important to have reasonable expectations and not rely solely on your network to solve all of your problems. 

7. What are the benefits of having a strong business network?

Most businesses, large and small, have networks. These can be direct networks related to the successful growth and running of the business or extended networks that include other businesses, suppliers, and customers that will refer work to you or your immediate network. A strong business network can provide numerous benefits, including: 

  1. Improved Efficiency. No business can function as an island, and no business can scale without a network. When you and your business have a strong network, you can leverage the expertise of others to streamline your processes and reduce costs. This leads to increased productivity and profitability
  2. Stay up to date. Additionally, having a strong network can help you stay up to date with industry trends and best practices. You can learn from others in your network and apply their knowledge to your own business practices. 
  3. Better communication. A strong business network can also help businesses communicate with one another. Businesses that are networked can more easily share information and resources, which can lead to improved communication and collaboration.
  4. Enhanced Productivity.  Improvements in communication will lead to ease of sharing resources and information, which in turn should lead to increased productivity. Businesses that can share resources can avoid duplicating work and gain access to the resources they require more quickly and easily.
  5. Improved customer service. Close collaboration and transparent communication in upstream processes can ensure exceptional downstream customer service because of the information that is available. Customers, furthermore, can make more informed purchasing decisions when businesses share information about their products and services.
  6. Higher profit margins and revenue. Because information is transparent throughout the supply chain, potential customers can immediately build trust about the products and services that are available and are more likely to engage in activities that will lead to increased sales, either through word of mouth or by making purchases for themselves.
  7. Furthermore, a strong network can provide access to new opportunities for growth and expansion. By building relationships with other businesses and customers, you may be able to tap into new markets or offer new products or services that you wouldn't have been able to on your own. 

It requires consistent effort to ensure that your business network works for you. There is no magic formula or get-rich-quick recipe, but you can turn your business network into a potent tool for success by making a conscious effort to build and maintain strong relationships with the appropriate people.

Who would have thought that something as small as a business card could be so powerful?

Visit Blue Butterfly Printing today and get your business cards and make the most of your next networking opportunity. 



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